Ideas To Make Your Packaging Environmentally Friendly

Julie Starr • Jun 23, 2021

There has been a lot of debate in recent years about how goods and products are packaged and how this packaging is contributing to unnecessary waste and plastic in the oceans. Most forms of packaging take a lot of energy to produce as well as other chemicals, water, wood, etc to create them. The production also leads to further pollution of the atmosphere from factories that produce the packaging. 

So how can your company do its part in reducing unnecessary packaging while still ensuring your products are safe and in line with your company brand. 

Whether you’re a big company with complex logistics operations, or an independent seller creating handmade items, there is a lot you can do to make your product packaging better for the environment without compromising on security or brand promotions. 

Use distribution partners who share your ethos

If you’re using a third-party logistics provider to store and deliver your products, then you should choose a company that reflects your own company values when it comes to sustainability. 

You can’t market yourself as one thing but not see it through in other areas of your operation. Clients will soon notice and it could affect your brand. 

Many logistics providers are taking great steps to reduce their impact on the environment. Some of these include powering their premises with green energy and introducing electric or hybrid vehicles into their fleets. 

Before you choose your logistics partner, ask them what they currently do to reduce environmental impact and what their plans are for the future (as it can take time to implements these). 

Don’t use too much packaging 

Packaging is out of control these days, both in products that are delivered to our doors and available in the supermarkets. 

How many times have you received a product wrapped in plastic, inside a box, inside another box, which itself is often wrapped in plastic? 

Using well-fitting packing can avoid the need for extra filling and your products will be far less likely to be damaged in transit. 

When choosing your packaging, think carefully about what you really need and what can be reused or recycled. 

Go back to basics

Rather than trying to find new and exciting packaging products for your business, don’t discount the cardboard box. It’s durable, comes in many shapes and sizes, and can be branded to reflect your company. 

Cardboard is also widely recycled and breaks down more than most other materials in a landfill. Many people also store cardboard boxes to reuse later, extra promotion for your brand.

If you choose the cardboard box route, look for branding options that use water-based inks that won’t cause any further environmental damage.

Ensure your packaging is reusable

Recyclable packaging is good, but reusable recycled packaging is better. For example, if you sell items for children, you could decorate the box so that it can be used as a doll’s house or toy box. If you sell creative items your packaging could turn into a beautiful origami structure that can be displayed on a desk. 

Really think about what you could be doing with your packaging that gives it a life beyond simply protecting your product. 

Use packaging that grows

There’s no downside to having more plants and trees in the world. Now you can buy packaging that has seeds in it , so when you’re finished with the packaging, the customer can plant it in their garden or in a pot and enjoy it for years to come. 

This is a great idea for kids’ items too as their parents and carers can explain to them the importance of plants for the environment and they can plant them and watch them grow together. 

If this seems like a bit of a stretch for your brand then look at compostable packaging too. When put in a compost bin, the heat and humidity will help break down the packaging so that it can be used as fertilizer. 

Use fabrics as packaging

When we think of product packaging, we usually think of plastic and cardboard. But there’s also a place for other types too. Rather than using plastic bags, opt for reusable organic fabric bags. Not only will they be reused, giving you an extra promotional push, but if they are thrown away, they will degrade fairly quickly when compared to plastic which can take up to 10,000 years to biodegrade. 

If your bags are designed well enough, they might become a product of their own that people want to buy so that they can reduce their use of plastic bags. The costs of these are relatively small, just be sure that you’re ordering organic fabric and water-based prints. 

Label everything clearly

It’s all well and good using environmentally friendly packaging, or packaging that grows plants etc, but if your customer isn’t aware of this, then it may just be a waste of time. After all, it is the end customer who will have to throw away (or reuse) your materials. If they aren’t aware of how they can be recycled, they may just throw them into the wrong rubbish collection bin. 

By doing this, you’re reinforcing your green credentials to customers and making them feel better about using your products too. 

Make it a selling point

As long as your being truthful and authentic, there’s nothing wrong with wearing your green credentials on your sleeve. Tell your potential customers how much you value the environment and what you’re doing to make sure you’re not unnecessarily adding to environmental problems. 

Go digital

How many elements of your products and their packaging really need to be there? Many companies include things like receipts, packing notes, thank you cards, and money-off vouchers with their parcels. 

Rather than have these separately printed, look to make these a digital delivery. After all, the customer has probably ordered online, so you already have a way to contact them via email or SMS. Send them a copy of the invoice digitally rather than put a copy in with the product. The same goes with the thank you card. Arrange for a beautifully designed email or video to be delivered to their email after they’ve received their package. 

Doing this will reduce costs too as you won’t be paying to have items professionally printed.

Encourage returns of product packaging

Many people prefer to refill containers rather than buy a new one each time. It’s something that’s catching on supermarkets and in the toiletries and make-up sectors too. If you make perfume, toiletries, or other products in specialized bottles or containers, introduce a scheme whereby a customer can get money off their next purchase if they return the empty items. 

The benefits of this are numerous. Not only does it strengthen your green credentials, but you’ll save money on buying packaging items. Because you’re giving a discount, the customer will be more likely to make a repeat purchase from you, feeling like they’re doing their small part to help the environment. 

Final thoughts

Consumers demand more from brands in today’s economy. As many people look to reduce their own use of unnecessary products and packaging, they expect brands to do the same. Research has shown that Millenials and Gen Z are far more concerned about the social impact of their actions and brand loyalty won’t factor into their decisions, they will look elsewhere. 

Less packaging doesn’t mean boring. There are many ways to make your brand stand out with new packaging techniques, you just have to get a little creative.

By Julie Starr 11 May, 2024
Keeping your business comfortable and yet sustainable is a great idea. By keeping your business sustainable, you are doing your part for the planet, ensuring that you are doing something to take care of it. A lot of businesses don’t bother with this, but that’s the problem. You need to be different, and work out how you’re going to keep your business comfortable and sustainable at the same time. That’s what we’re going to be working on today, so keep reading if you’re interested in learning more. How Are You Powering Your Locations? The first thing that we’re going to say is that you need to think about how you are powering your locations. Whether it’s a business office, a warehouse, or any other large space, you need to think about the way that you are powering it. If you are using traditional electricity then you’re going to be contributing to part of the problem. We only have so much fossil fuel available, and it’s killing the planet to use. It’s a better idea to use a renewable form of power such as solar or wind, depending on where you live and the weather conditions. Look into this as an option if you can. We’re not saying that you have to completely rely on one or the other, you could use a combination as well as traditional power. Any power that’s coming from somewhere else is a bonus! Keep The Spaces Comfortable For Employees Employees work in a variety of places for your business. Again, perhaps some work in an office, some work in a warehouse, and some work in other locations, but they all need to be kept comfortable. For example, if we take the warehouse and you think about it, it’s not that comfortable, right? You’re not going to have couches and plush chairs all over the place, but you can still make it as comfortable as possible. You could use an industrial drum fan or something similar to keep the space cool, ensuring that your employees are content working there. Ensure Recycling Is A Top Priority The final important point that we want to make is that you should ensure that recycling is a top priority . It has been pushed on people for a long time now, and it’s essential that you are doing this to the best of your ability. Reusing materials wherever possible gives your company a more sustainable approach to business, setting the example for others. Recycling is the very least that you can do, it’s not hard, but it makes a world of difference to the planet. We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you should be doing to ensure that your business is comfortable and sustainable. We do understand that for some companies this is going to be a little more difficult than others, but there are always ways if you are dedicated enough. We wish you the very best of luck, and hope that you manage going forward.
By Julie Starr 07 May, 2024
Bringing passionate, enthusiastic and talented people into your business is obviously a top priority when you’re growing a company. However, the only way to onboard the brightest talent is by ensuring that your brand is an appealing place to work. Driven employees have certain expectations when it comes to choosing their ideal workplace, so you need to show them what you have to offer. Whether you’re looking into your business ethos , or reassessing certain compensation plans, you can do so much to ensure you’re attracting the best possible employees. Consider some of the following methods and your small business will soon be the go-to place for skilled, driven and talented individuals to work. Pay and Benefits Should Be Competitive When you’re running a small business, the idea of paying regular salaries to your employees will always be on your mind. Keeping up with bills and ever rising costs will never be easy, but you have to offer a competitive salary in order to attract the right type of people to your business. You should also consider all elements of a compensation plan so that your employees always feel valued for their contributions at your workplace. It may be worth talking to your current staff members to see what would be most important to them so you can assess it in the near future. Create a Career Development Plan Working towards the next goal is certainly something that most career driven individuals are keen to do. Staying stagnant in the same role for a prolonged period of time can reduce motivation and cause issues with staff retention. Making sure that there are clear progression opportunities will help to bring in the most talented and focused employees who are willing to put in the work and climb the ladder within your business. Adopt an Eco-Conscious Approach More and more employees are looking for workplaces that put the environment at the forefront and actively choose sustainable processes. Taking care of the planet and going green with your business may help you to align with the right talent for your company. Although this might not be the priority of everyone, it’s certainly a very popular value that a number of people carry in the modern day. Working in an environment where sustainability is a priority is extremely appealing and these people will help you to work alongside like minded colleagues within your business. Your small business goes above and beyond you as an individual; it’s also about the people who work for you and the potential employees you could be onboarding very soon. You can be sure that you’re reaching out to the right type of people and attracting the best possible talent by offering competitive salaries and benefits and working in a sustainable way that always keeps the environment in mind too. Hopefully, these ideas will give you a huge advantage when it comes to bringing in new people who would be an asset to your business.
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