Sustainable Health: How to Keep Work-Related Anxiety at Bay

Julie Starr • Mar 15, 2023

Work-related anxiety has become increasingly prevalent in today’s fast-paced, high-pressure work environments. It can have detrimental effects on both the physical and mental well-being of employees and can sabotage even the most
well-planned careers . That’s why it’s essential to acquire sustainable health techniques to alleviate workplace anxiety and promote a more balanced lifestyle. In this blog post, we will provide practical and effective strategies to help reduce your anxiety levels and improve your overall experiences at work.

Practice Mindfulness and Meditation


Engaging in mindfulness exercises and meditation is a proven way to reduce stress and anxiety. These practices help you focus on the present moment, removing yourself from negative thoughts and feelings. Consider techniques such as focused breathing or progressive relaxation to incorporate mindfulness into your workday. Even a few minutes dedicated to being present and disconnecting from work stressors can drastically improve your mood and decrease anxiety.


Create a Supportive Work Environment

Sharing your feelings and concerns with trusted colleagues and supervisors can alleviate anxiety. Open communication channels and maintain rapport with coworkers, fostering an environment where employees are comfortable discussing their struggles. Build a support network of colleagues who understand and relate to your experiences so that you can help one another through difficult times.

Prioritize Time Management

Often, workplace anxiety stems from feeling overwhelmed by numerous tasks that seemingly never stop piling up. Developing efficient time management skills and setting realistic priorities can alleviate much of this stress. Break larger projects into smaller, manageable tasks, and allocate time to complete them. Try using a planner or digital task list to keep track of your responsibilities and deadlines. By managing your workload and staying organized, you will feel more in control and less anxious at work.

Set Boundaries and Learn to Say No

Remain clear on your limits and communicate them assertively to your coworkers and supervisors. Overextending yourself can lead to burnout and increased anxiety. Prioritize your mental health and set boundaries for your work and personal life. If you are unable to take on additional tasks, let your supervisor know and explain your current workload. Learning to say no is an essential skill that fosters a sustainable and healthy work life.

Foster a Healthy Lifestyle Outside of Work

A well-rounded, healthy lifestyle contributes significantly to reducing anxiety. Establish a routine that includes exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep. Physical activity and sleeping and eating well can boost your energy levels and help alleviate stress. Also trying calming activities such as yoga, meditation, and using CBD will help to keep you centered too. And remember to carve out time for hobbies and socializing, as these activities can act as valuable outlets from work-related stressors.

Sustaining Your Health and Embracing More Balance

By employing the strategies outlined in this blog post, you can actively take control of your work-related anxiety and pave the way for a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Remember that sustainable health is an ongoing process that requires cultivation and attention. By practicing the steps above, you will be well-equipped to ward off work-related anxiety and flourish in your career.

By Julie Starr 11 May, 2024
Bringing passionate, enthusiastic and talented people into your business is obviously a top priority when you’re growing a company. However, the only way to onboard the brightest talent is by ensuring that your brand is an appealing place to work. Driven employees have certain expectations when it comes to choosing their ideal workplace, so you need to show them what you have to offer. Whether you’re looking into your business ethos , or reassessing certain compensation plans, you can do so much to ensure you’re attracting the best possible employees. Consider some of the following methods and your small business will soon be the go-to place for skilled, driven and talented individuals to work. Pay and Benefits Should Be Competitive When you’re running a small business, the idea of paying regular salaries to your employees will always be on your mind. Keeping up with bills and ever rising costs will never be easy, but you have to offer a competitive salary in order to attract the right type of people to your business. You should also consider all elements of a compensation plan so that your employees always feel valued for their contributions at your workplace. It may be worth talking to your current staff members to see what would be most important to them so you can assess it in the near future. Create a Career Development Plan Working towards the next goal is certainly something that most career driven individuals are keen to do. Staying stagnant in the same role for a prolonged period of time can reduce motivation and cause issues with staff retention. Making sure that there are clear progression opportunities will help to bring in the most talented and focused employees who are willing to put in the work and climb the ladder within your business. Adopt an Eco-Conscious Approach More and more employees are looking for workplaces that put the environment at the forefront and actively choose sustainable processes. Taking care of the planet and going green with your business may help you to align with the right talent for your company. Although this might not be the priority of everyone, it’s certainly a very popular value that a number of people carry in the modern day. Working in an environment where sustainability is a priority is extremely appealing and these people will help you to work alongside like minded colleagues within your business. Your small business goes above and beyond you as an individual; it’s also about the people who work for you and the potential employees you could be onboarding very soon. You can be sure that you’re reaching out to the right type of people and attracting the best possible talent by offering competitive salaries and benefits and working in a sustainable way that always keeps the environment in mind too. Hopefully, these ideas will give you a huge advantage when it comes to bringing in new people who would be an asset to your business.
By Julie Starr 07 May, 2024
Bringing passionate, enthusiastic and talented people into your business is obviously a top priority when you’re growing a company. However, the only way to onboard the brightest talent is by ensuring that your brand is an appealing place to work. Driven employees have certain expectations when it comes to choosing their ideal workplace, so you need to show them what you have to offer. Whether you’re looking into your business ethos , or reassessing certain compensation plans, you can do so much to ensure you’re attracting the best possible employees. Consider some of the following methods and your small business will soon be the go-to place for skilled, driven and talented individuals to work. Pay and Benefits Should Be Competitive When you’re running a small business, the idea of paying regular salaries to your employees will always be on your mind. Keeping up with bills and ever rising costs will never be easy, but you have to offer a competitive salary in order to attract the right type of people to your business. You should also consider all elements of a compensation plan so that your employees always feel valued for their contributions at your workplace. It may be worth talking to your current staff members to see what would be most important to them so you can assess it in the near future. Create a Career Development Plan Working towards the next goal is certainly something that most career driven individuals are keen to do. Staying stagnant in the same role for a prolonged period of time can reduce motivation and cause issues with staff retention. Making sure that there are clear progression opportunities will help to bring in the most talented and focused employees who are willing to put in the work and climb the ladder within your business. Adopt an Eco-Conscious Approach More and more employees are looking for workplaces that put the environment at the forefront and actively choose sustainable processes. Taking care of the planet and going green with your business may help you to align with the right talent for your company. Although this might not be the priority of everyone, it’s certainly a very popular value that a number of people carry in the modern day. Working in an environment where sustainability is a priority is extremely appealing and these people will help you to work alongside like minded colleagues within your business. Your small business goes above and beyond you as an individual; it’s also about the people who work for you and the potential employees you could be onboarding very soon. You can be sure that you’re reaching out to the right type of people and attracting the best possible talent by offering competitive salaries and benefits and working in a sustainable way that always keeps the environment in mind too. Hopefully, these ideas will give you a huge advantage when it comes to bringing in new people who would be an asset to your business.
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