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Vision and Values
Founded in 2007, Taiga Company provides “oxygen for your business.”
Our name, “Taiga,” is drawn from the vast biome that spans 11% of the northern hemisphere and represents 27% of the world’s total forests. As one of the planet’s greatest sources of oxygen, the taiga biome literally breathes life into our atmosphere, sustaining ecosystems and humanity alike.
At Taiga Company, we channel this vitality into the brands we serve. Leveraging our expertise in brand strategy, thought leadership, business development, social communications, marketing, and stakeholder engagement, we help businesses thrive—strengthening their strategies, sharpening their competitive edge, and amplifying their positive impact.
We proudly partner with global corporations leading ambitious ESG initiatives, small businesses taking their first steps toward sustainability, NGOs working to amplify their mission, and executives striving to build thought leadership in environmental stewardship. Together, we create meaningful change for the environment, society, and the bottom line.
Our Mission, Vision, and Work Are Guided by Four Key Principles
We serve individuals and brands making a positive impact for society, environment, health, and business.
We empower clients to be more effective thought leaders, influencers for good, and change agents in their industry spaces.
We create strategies that build relationships with key stakeholders, increase brand exposure, & generate business and professional growth.
We specialize in social communications, stakeholder relations, marketing, brand strategy, and business development.