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Woodworking has been around for years and
is a great hobby
to build new skills while creating beautiful designs. Woodworking involves lots of materials and tools, which, unfortunately, can lead to lots of waste and energy.
If you are trying to make a conscious effort to be more sustainable in your day-to-day life, then it is important to look at how your hobby, whether it’s new to you or you are a well-seasoned woodworker, affects the environment.
Here are 3 ways you can make your woodwork projects more eco-friendly.
How you use, store and dispose of your materials is just as important as what materials you use for your woodwork projects. When starting a new woodworking project, make sure you plan what you are going to do. This will enable you to buy the correct amount of materials and reduce waste right from the start. When purchasing your materials, source local businesses for your wood, for example, from leftover builds, local lumber mills, or farms.
Materials that you will not use right away need to be stored properly, to ensure they do not spoil and therefore, are unusable. Conduct thorough research on the materials that you are using and ensure you have the correct environment set up before you start. For example, some may need to be stored in certain temperatures, away from any moisture, or even in air-tight containers.
When you have finished a project and find you have materials left over, there are several ways to dispose of this in a more eco-friendly way:
Tools play an important role in your woodworking project. Not only will it impact the efficiency of your work, but also the waste and your energy consumption.
Spending money to fully stock your woodshop might look good, but is not good if you will not be using them. You should only purchase the tools that you need. There are a range of different things to look out for, for example, new and recent tools that will enable you to work more efficiently, such as the 2021 best spiral cutterhead jointer , alternatively, you could pool together with local woodworkers and swap and share your tools.
Many of the chemicals that are used in woodwork projects can be harmful to humans, as well as the environment. By switching to eco-friendly alternatives, such as water-based paints or wood stains, you can keep yourself, and the environment safe while practicing more sustainable woodwork and disposal.
Making just a few simple changes to the way you purchase and dispose of wood, choosing your tools carefully, and switching out toxic chemicals, can do wonders for the environment without having to inconvenience you too much.