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As businesses, we should try to make sure that our employees are putting their best foot forward. When we
employ the right people
, we find someone that has the ability to do their job correctly, but there’s a lot more we need to consider, not in terms of the business itself, but in terms of their impacts on the organization as a whole. What can we do to help our employees understand their impacts?
Health is inherently linked with well-being, and when our employees have a better understanding of their health, it can feed into a more effective workplace culture, especially in businesses that are trying to operate more sustainably. You can do this through enforced practices like drug and alcohol testing , but you can also be more holistic in how your employees focus on their health. Regular meetings or one-to-ones can help your employees vent and give their opinions of how they are feeling in relation to the organization.
Autonomy is more important than ever in the modern workplace. And as the workplace demands increase, this can have a bigger impact on their mental health. Less control over their work will drastically reduce their well-being, so giving your employees more training to take on new tasks and practices can help them to make changes to how they work, but can also bring these benefits into other areas of the business.
It’s something that every organization has to do these days. Giving your employees more flexibility, not just about when they work, but where they work, will ensure they feed into the benefits of the business and are more inclined to stay with you. Incentives are so important to the overall culture of an organization these days, but they can’t be based on rewards alone. An employee needs to feel they can leave the desk if their child is unwell . So many employees don’t feel that they can rock the boat, and as a result, productivity will always decrease if their morale is impacted.
Many employees are parents or caregivers, and they can benefit from supervisors being more supportive of the challenges they face on a daily basis. Balancing work and life is one of the biggest challenges in the modern world. So many are looking to get more work because they simply cannot earn enough. If you have a sympathetic ear to employees’ personal needs, they will have higher job satisfaction, which will improve job performance. Additionally, they won’t be as inclined to leave their jobs to find something that pays more.
Ensuring that your employees value their impact on the business is vital. Everybody is a piece of the puzzle and when someone doesn’t feel they are contributing to the overall workload, there is no motivation to stay. But there are things you can always do to make them realize they are important.