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If you run a small
then you may not think that you are having a huge impact on the environment. That being said, the people who are buying from you will probably not see it this way. We are currently dealing with an environmental crisis, and if you do not put in the work to deal with the issues that we are facing right now, then you may find that your customers end up losing faith in you. Want to find out more? Simply look below.
Focus on Remote Work
In this day and age, it is very easy for work to be done online. You also probably need way less people to work in a physical office too. Remote work has rocketed over the last few years, and this allows employees to have a healthier work-life balance too. If you can put in the work to make sure that your team have this opportunity, then you will soon find that you can drastically reduce the amount of Co2 that is in the air. You can also reduce your carbon footprint while reducing the amount of money that you spend on stocking, lighting or even heating.
Public Transport Benefits
When you have team members who need to be in the office, you need to make sure that they are not contributing to the production of greenhouse gases as much as possible. Public transportation, including buses, trains or even vanpools can easily be the greenest way for you to commute and it is safe to say that if you can encourage this, then you will be rocketing the potential of your business. If you want to motivate your team , then you can offer public transport benefits, through your HR software. You can also combine this with your POS software efforts, to keep track of everything that your team are doing.
Sustainable Products
The items that you buy to ensure that your company premises are clean should also be environmentally friendly. Ideally, you need to buy eco-friendly printing paper as well as making sure that you are recycling products as much as possible. There are many green cleaning products that do not include toxic chemicals, and they instead use natural ingredients. These natural ingredients tend to work just as well, so make sure that you look into them as much as possible.
Believe it or not, refurbishing your office doesn’t mean that you have to go out and buy everything from scratch. You can easily upcycle a lot of your furniture if you want, so look into painting it, or even reupholstering it. It takes a lot of energy to create new furniture, not to mention that it will also take a lot to recycle the furniture you are getting rid of. If you can upcycle, then this will really help you to get the best result out of your home. Finding beautiful and vintage pieces to fill out your office is also a very good thing to do, as it will really bring out the personality of your space.