Guaranteed Ways To Build A Team Of Engaged Employees

Julie Starr • Jan 28, 2022

Building a team of engaged employees should be something every business owner makes a priority. If your team is disengaged with the work and workplace, you can hardly expect maximum output and optimal results. Engaged employees are productive employees, and will often go above and beyond to get results. Let’s take a look at some guaranteed ways you can build your own team of engaged employees:

Commit To Your Employees 

First of all, you need to commit to your employees – get to know them as people . Of course, there’s a line you shouldn’t cross between boss and friend, but you should get to know them and take an interest in their lives. Remember their names and things about them so you can strike up a conversation with them in the future. Let them know that you do care about them, and don’t just see them as employees. 

Offer Training and Resources

Offering the right training and resources for your team means that they not only grow professionally but personally, too. An inability to move forward within a company is one of the main reasons employees choose to leave and work elsewhere. Make sure they can climb the ladder if they want to, and provide things like team-building activities to ensure they can all work with one another effectively. 

Make sure you also provide resources to make their lives easier, such as collaboration software, equipment, and so on.  Engaging employees on business sustainability and integrating personal sustainability plans will not only educate employees on sustainable business practices that help the business to flourish, but will also provide guidelines to living a sustainable lifestyle outside of the work environment.

Provide Them with Tools for Success

This means giving your employees the resources for problem-solving, access to additional training, and strategies for handling difficult situations. Your employees will feel much more valued and appreciated when they know they have the support to handle any situation that may come their way. For example, disaster management training and tools can equip employees with the skills and knowledge to handle unexpected crises, leading to a stronger and more confident team. By providing your employees with all the tools they need to succeed in their jobs, they will feel empowered to do their best work and ultimately be more engaged in their roles.

Listen To Employee Feedback and Do Something About It 

Encourage employee feedback, whether anonymous or not. Once you have their feedback, treat it as valuable advice and follow up on it. If you don’t do anything with employee feedback, they will believe that you don’t care whether they are happy and comfortable at work or not. You can’t get too attached to the way you have always done things if your team is giving you hints that they are unhappy – or outright telling you that something needs to change. 

Provide Incentives and Bonuses For Your Team 

You should provide more than just the bare minimum for your team. Incentives and bonuses are crucial and will help them to see that you appreciate them. Incentives and bonuses could be monetary, days out, vouchers, or even ESOP to give your team some ownership over the business. You can also give more days off than the minimum, gym memberships, and anything else you believe will encourage your team to work hard for you. 

Allow Flexibility 

Allowing flexibility within your workplace will help to keep your team engaged. If they need to be at home for some reason one day, allow them to work from home. Make sure they feel like they can come to you when they need time off, or have an issue that you can help with. Don’t be rigid in your way of thinking or the way you conduct your business. 

Building a team of engaged employees takes work, but it should be a focus for any business owner! 

By Julie Starr 11 May, 2024
Keeping your business comfortable and yet sustainable is a great idea. By keeping your business sustainable, you are doing your part for the planet, ensuring that you are doing something to take care of it. A lot of businesses don’t bother with this, but that’s the problem. You need to be different, and work out how you’re going to keep your business comfortable and sustainable at the same time. That’s what we’re going to be working on today, so keep reading if you’re interested in learning more. How Are You Powering Your Locations? The first thing that we’re going to say is that you need to think about how you are powering your locations. Whether it’s a business office, a warehouse, or any other large space, you need to think about the way that you are powering it. If you are using traditional electricity then you’re going to be contributing to part of the problem. We only have so much fossil fuel available, and it’s killing the planet to use. It’s a better idea to use a renewable form of power such as solar or wind, depending on where you live and the weather conditions. Look into this as an option if you can. We’re not saying that you have to completely rely on one or the other, you could use a combination as well as traditional power. Any power that’s coming from somewhere else is a bonus! Keep The Spaces Comfortable For Employees Employees work in a variety of places for your business. Again, perhaps some work in an office, some work in a warehouse, and some work in other locations, but they all need to be kept comfortable. For example, if we take the warehouse and you think about it, it’s not that comfortable, right? You’re not going to have couches and plush chairs all over the place, but you can still make it as comfortable as possible. You could use an industrial drum fan or something similar to keep the space cool, ensuring that your employees are content working there. Ensure Recycling Is A Top Priority The final important point that we want to make is that you should ensure that recycling is a top priority . It has been pushed on people for a long time now, and it’s essential that you are doing this to the best of your ability. Reusing materials wherever possible gives your company a more sustainable approach to business, setting the example for others. Recycling is the very least that you can do, it’s not hard, but it makes a world of difference to the planet. We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you should be doing to ensure that your business is comfortable and sustainable. We do understand that for some companies this is going to be a little more difficult than others, but there are always ways if you are dedicated enough. We wish you the very best of luck, and hope that you manage going forward.
By Julie Starr 07 May, 2024
Bringing passionate, enthusiastic and talented people into your business is obviously a top priority when you’re growing a company. However, the only way to onboard the brightest talent is by ensuring that your brand is an appealing place to work. Driven employees have certain expectations when it comes to choosing their ideal workplace, so you need to show them what you have to offer. Whether you’re looking into your business ethos , or reassessing certain compensation plans, you can do so much to ensure you’re attracting the best possible employees. Consider some of the following methods and your small business will soon be the go-to place for skilled, driven and talented individuals to work. Pay and Benefits Should Be Competitive When you’re running a small business, the idea of paying regular salaries to your employees will always be on your mind. Keeping up with bills and ever rising costs will never be easy, but you have to offer a competitive salary in order to attract the right type of people to your business. You should also consider all elements of a compensation plan so that your employees always feel valued for their contributions at your workplace. It may be worth talking to your current staff members to see what would be most important to them so you can assess it in the near future. Create a Career Development Plan Working towards the next goal is certainly something that most career driven individuals are keen to do. Staying stagnant in the same role for a prolonged period of time can reduce motivation and cause issues with staff retention. Making sure that there are clear progression opportunities will help to bring in the most talented and focused employees who are willing to put in the work and climb the ladder within your business. Adopt an Eco-Conscious Approach More and more employees are looking for workplaces that put the environment at the forefront and actively choose sustainable processes. Taking care of the planet and going green with your business may help you to align with the right talent for your company. Although this might not be the priority of everyone, it’s certainly a very popular value that a number of people carry in the modern day. Working in an environment where sustainability is a priority is extremely appealing and these people will help you to work alongside like minded colleagues within your business. Your small business goes above and beyond you as an individual; it’s also about the people who work for you and the potential employees you could be onboarding very soon. You can be sure that you’re reaching out to the right type of people and attracting the best possible talent by offering competitive salaries and benefits and working in a sustainable way that always keeps the environment in mind too. Hopefully, these ideas will give you a huge advantage when it comes to bringing in new people who would be an asset to your business.
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