Some Of The Biggest Benefits Of Going Paperless

Julie Starr • May 20, 2020

When it comes to creating a more sustainable office, there are few steps are beneficial to the environment as going paperless. From taking that single step, you can cut out up to 60% of the waste produced by the average office environment. However, there are benefits well beyond the environmentally friendly nature of paperless business. Here, we’re going to look at other benefits and how they affect your bottom line, customer satisfaction, and more elements that can make or break your business.

It saves a lot of money

Aside from cutting down on your waste, going paperless also cuts down on your reliance on physical resources that can be, above all else, expensive. When your business runs on paper, it also runs on the need for printing technologies. As such, you need to purchase not only the paper, but the printer, ink, and toner. Furthermore, you are likely to purchase a scanner to make sure you have a digital backup of your most important files. All of this can be very costly and they’re not one time costs, either. You are even going to need to pay for printer and scanner maintenance, repair, or replacement, as some point down the line. While going paperless isn’t cost-free, due to the need for storage devices and (in most cases) Cloud backup, it tends to be a lot more cost-effective.

You can free up a lot of space in the office

Not only do you have to purchase all the resources for printing those documents, but when you have a lot of paper, you need to spend even more money on storage. However, that storage doesn’t only take up funding, it also takes up space in the office. Filing cabinets are far from small, too. The more paper you use, the more quickly you can eat up space in your office. Having more space freed up in the office can help you space out employee workspaces , allowing them to work more productively, to reduce accidents and injuries, and generally improve their satisfaction with how they work.

It can lead to more efficient communication

Paper has long been one of the most important tools in business communication. From mailing important letters to keeping documents internally, it was all done on paper not too long ago. However, by moving to digital alternatives, you can greatly improve how your business communicates. Document templates and signature management , for instance, can help you create a consistent, professional image that applies across the whole business. It’s also a lot easier to manage and organize an email inbox and to respond to customer queries and concerns a lot faster when you don’t have to worry about posting them. More efficient communication means fewer misunderstandings and greater collaboration in the workplace.

Secure your important documents

One of the benefits of not having all of your most important documents printed on paper is that they are harder to simply snatch from the office or to lose along the way. There are some risks, of course, with digital documents. However, by investing in cybersecurity measures like encrypting important data and backing them up on Cloud storage servers, you can make them much safer than they would be if they were kept in physical form. As such, you can make sure that important business and customer data doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. When it does, it can lead to major financial, legal, and PR liability for the business. Invest in paperless storage alongside the right digital security and the chances of this happening to you will diminish tremendously.

It’s easier to organize

One of the security risks of going paperless is that important documents can simply get lost, even if no-one nefarious has taken them for their own ends. Even when you invest in organization and storage tools like filing cabinets, having too much paper will eventually make it nigh-impossible to keep track of all of the documents that you need. There’s a risk of losing track of digital files, of course. However, it’s much easier to organize and store them , and you can quickly find them by searching your hardware and Cloud storage for relevant terms, as well. This makes sure you can keep track of important documents and also reduces the time spent locating and fetching them when needed.

They allow for much more flexible work

Let’s consider the situation: you’re out of the office but you’re in the middle of talking to a client and you need a certain document with relevant information quickly. If you’re working in an office that relies mostly on paper, then you might have to drive into the office to retrieve that document or risk giving misinformation to the client, leading to potential problems down the line. If your office is paperless, however, then you’re more likely to be relying on Cloud document storage, which means you can simply go online, find the document that you need, and make sure the client gets the right information.

It’s good marketing

A lot of business owners will opt for more sustainable measures because they believe in them and they believe in their part in protecting the environment. However, there are also market motivations to go sustainable, as well. There is a growing portion of consumers that are much more concerned about doing business with those who reduce waste as much as possible. By making a commitment to sustainable work practices such as going paperless, and even publishing case studies on how your business has managed it, you can give your brand the kind of boost it needs to make a connection with customers. Fulfilling your social corporate responsibility can help you maintain your business reputation, leading to a stronger connection with your customers.

All of the benefits above can make the decision to go paperless all the more convincing. However, it’s important you keep the sustainability of it all in mind first and foremost. If you’re not committed to making the business a more environmentally friendly body, it’s easy to go back to bad habits.

By Julie Starr 02 May, 2024
Understanding that acquiring new customers can cost up to five times more than retaining them empowers you to make strategic decisions. If you're not offering value to your customers, you won't be able to retain existing ones or attract new ones. In a world where there are seemingly a million customers all offering the same thing, standing out above the noise and offering value to your customers can boost retention. Look At What You Do Well To offer value and identify the reasons why people do business with you or what makes them choose you, take pride in what you do well. Where do you excel? What entices people? What are you most proud of? It is in these areas that you find value and get a better idea of what customers want and expect. Improve Your Brand Image and Perception How people see and perceive your brand will show them what you have to offer and can be a great way to help people connect with your brand. Be clear about who you are and what you represent. It might be that your whole company is built on sustainability, and if people know this and can align with your beliefs, then you can develop a relationship with them based on mutual goals and ideals. Take some time to see what your brand perception is and what message you are putting out there about who you are, and if it doesn't wholly represent you, then you can work on changing this so the message is clear and representative of what the company is about. This can be a great way to offer people value and something another brand provides. Improved Quality The quality of what you should always be top-notch, but you can still go a little extra. It doesn't matter if you're selling whole podcasts, parts, repairs, or services; the level of quality received by the customers for the price point will often play a massive factor in whether or not they will make another purchase or become a regular customer. Even if you don't offer anything else that seems exemplary, if people are more than satisfied with the output level, you can guarantee they will definitely be back. So whether you upgrade the quality of your ingredients for food and drink-based products, offer additional content or support for your services, or outsource to machine shops for fabrication requirements, improve the quality of what you do to give you that edge over competitors. Provide A Positive Experience Value isn't always about something you offer for a price point; it's about the experience as a whole and, oftentimes, the things you don't do. By providing all customers with a positive experience , you can leave a lasting impression in their minds that they really enjoyed their contact with your company. This will help to ensure they come back to you time and again, feeling they have received a good service and this is of value to them. Many customers want to know their business is appreciated, and you can do this by ensuring that each and every interaction with your company is a smooth, positive one that requires little to no effort with a good payoff at the end of the transaction. Quality Over Price Sure, you can go out there and undercut your competitors, but this tactic isn't always the best, nor does it work for everyone. However, what you can do is emphasize the quality of the product and justify its price point. Even if it's slightly more expensive than your competitors, you can win people over by showing exactly what they're getting for their money and why it's worth its price tag. Don't be tempted to hike the price point up to give it an air of superior quality. You still need to be pricing realistically; however, by focusing on the benefits of the value of what you're offering over the price, you can show people lie in purchasing from you. Educate customers By offering tutorials, demonstrations, trial products or services, FAQs, and practical assistance, you not only offer a good value product or service but also give customers a chance to learn more about you, what you do, what you stand for, and what your company is all about.  This, in turn, along with good customer service and knowledgeable representatives, will offer your customers value as they will be able to understand your product or service better and know you're investing in our product and that you care about their experience. There are many ways to offer value to customers besides discounts or freebies. Any of these options can directly benefit your business and require little outlay.
By Julie Starr 26 Apr, 2024
Imagine walking into a world where every business breathes sustainability. Great, right? That’s where we’re all headed, and today, we’re looking into how your business can join this green revolution. It’s not just about planting trees or cutting back on plastic; it’s about a total game-change in how we think about business. Reimagining Your Supply Chain Alright, let’s talk about your supply chain. It’s the backbone of your company, and it might be time to give it a little eco-friendly makeover. Instead of just churning products through a one-way street from creation to landfill, think about making it a circular journey. How? By designing products that can be recycled or reused at the end of their life. This little twist not only reduces waste but could also save you some money and spark some serious innovation. Investing In Sustainable Technologies Now, onto tech. Investing in the latest tech can seem like a luxury, but when it comes to sustainability, it’s more of a necessity. Technologies like AI can make your operations super efficient, slashing energy costs and reducing waste before it even happens. And then there’s blockchain. It’s not just for crypto enthusiasts; it can help you keep your supply chain transparent, letting everyone check if you’re keeping your green promises. Empowering Employees And Building A Culture Of Sustainability But technology and plans are only part of the picture. The real magic happens when your team gets in on the action. Start with some fun workshops or team challenges—anything that gets everyone thinking about sustainability. Maybe set up a green squad within the company who can lead the charge and come up with fresh ideas. Remember, if your team is excited about a project, they’ll put their hearts into making it work. Customizing Your Sustainable Transformation Tailoring your sustainability efforts can be tricky, but it’s a lot smoother with some expert guidance, like ZBrains’ Zoho Consulting services. They’re great at tweaking Zoho’s tools to fit just right with what your business needs. Need to track your energy usage or cut down on waste? They’ve got an app for that. Automation? Yep, they can make those repetitive tasks disappear, too, all while keeping Mother Earth happy. Building Partnerships For Sustainable Innovation Going solo can be tough. Why not buddy up? Collaborating with other companies or non-profits can lead to some groundbreaking eco-friendly innovations. It’s all about sharing what you know, pooling resources, and sometimes, pushing for changes that make it easier for businesses to be green. Plus, working together means you can share the spotlight when your cool new sustainable project hits the headlines! Going Beyond Compliance Lastly, don’t just play by the rules—aim higher. There’s a whole world of eco-certifications out there that can push your business to do better. Whether it’s getting a LEED certification or joining the ranks of B Corps, going the extra mile not only helps the planet but also polishes your brand’s reputation. Think about it: customers love companies that care, so why not be the one they love? Conclusion Switching up your business to be more sustainable might seem like a big leap, but it’s all about taking one step at a time. Whether it’s rethinking your supply chain or empowering your team to lead the charge, every little action counts. Ready to start? Let’s make your business not just better, but greener and more resilient for the future.
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