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Whether you’re running your own business or working for an employer, one thing you cannot ignore is how important job productivity is. If you own a business, being productive at work can easily be the difference between growing your company or watching it go down. If you work for an employer, your productivity level can determine whether you get that promotion you’ve always dreamed of, or you get shown the exit. So, do you end your days feeling you could have accomplished more at work? Here are some tips you can use to help boost your
productivity at work
Find a job that matches your skillset
If you’re still in the job-hunting stage, focus your search on positions that match your skills set and qualifications. For example, suppose you have received professional training in cardiology. In that case, your best bet is to focus on finding a new employer as a cardiologist . If you have a creative eye, you’ll probably do best in a work environment that will help bring out the creativity in you. The big idea here is, you are more likely to be at your productive best if your job is suited to your strengths and skill set.
Take breaks at work
It is understandable to think that working for longer hours means getting a lot of stuff done. While this may be true to some extent, working for long hours non-stop only ends up draining your energy. That means that not only will the quality of your work drop significantly, but you will also end up burned out quickly. Besides, some studies have shown that taking regular breaks can help boost your concentration levels while boosting your mood. So, give yourself sufficient and frequent breaks from your work to relax and rejuvenate.
Do the most work when you at your best
In some cases, human productivity tends to be at its best in the early hours of work. As the day drags on, various factors can cause your energy levels to drop. Therefore it is vital to do all your heavy lifting when you are at your productive best. Furthermore, depending on which time of the day works best for you, try to schedule your tasks in a way that allows you to do more at the peak of your energy.
Avoid multitasking
Multitasking can easily give you a false impression that you are getting more done at the same time. Unfortunately, the opposite is always true in most cases. Just like spending long hours working non-stop, multitasking can also cause a significant dent in your productivity levels. Besides, some research has also shown that doing several things simultaneously can take up about 70% of your time. That means your safest approach is to handle one thing at a time.
Prepare a to-do list
Take the time to prepare a list of all the tasks you need to handle the night before. To-do lists play a considerable role in helping boost productivity while ensuring that you manage your tasks according to your level of priority. Plus, accomplishing everything on your to-do list will give you satisfaction from a sense of accomplishment.